Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Freedom

Today I handed in my last essay for this semester. It's a sunny Friday in Dunedin, and I've just spent the last couple of hours at the Forsyth Barr stadium where a Young Farmers contest is taking place. I went there with a coffee for Nathan, who's working there as security, and ended up deciding to stay until it ends at 3.30pm, because my feet are too sore from walking to uni to be able to walk home.

Not long ago I received a text from work, telling me to take today off, meaning that I'm free to do exactly what I want to do tonight: eat dinner at a reasonable time, watch the season finale of Revenge, and maybe go to the gym after Nathan finishes work. Fridays are simply awesome sometimes.

Now that all my assignments are out of the way, the things that I'm looking forward to in the near future seem that much more closer. First up is Nathan and I going to Wellington next Friday, for four days. Mega super excited about that. Then, in the two-three weeks after that I have my three exams (NOT so excited about that), and then we're going to Rarotonga! If I'm mega super excited about going to Wellington you can probably multiply that by a thousand and you'll be getting close to how excited I am about going to Raro.

But now I really must get back to doing...nothing. Oh lord it feels so good to have handed in all my assignments!

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