You know it’s been a long day when you finally get home, put some relaxing music on and pour yourself a lovely, warm cup of tea, before you realise that you’ve forgotten to put the teabag in.
Also – Dear Wellington, you know that I love you – but sometimes I marvel at your ability to produce rain from a sunny sky. Next time, if you’re going to make it rain, how about a heads-up? Thanks. Much appreciated.
Now, back to business. Figuratively, not literally. Because I do actually have more pressing matters to attend to than my blog (I know, believe it or not), but that’s just gonna have to wait. Because I haven’t updated my blog in a week, which is completely and utterly unacceptabe. So my sincerest apologies. OK, now that’s over and done with, what to say?
Ah, yes, how could I forget. I was planning on making a blog entry dedicated entirely to that day, but I guess it slipped my mind: My little excursion to the Karori wildlife sanctuary last Sunday. Wow. What an adventure it was. I felt like an explorer way back in the 1500’s, setting out to discover new land.
Armed with a map and my camera I set out from my flat at noon, and started climbing up the Wellington hills (what a mission!). The physical hardship of my trip almost got the better of me, but I refused to turn back. After all, I was on a mission. So I kept on walking, and eventually ended up at my planned destination, after only two minor detours. The locals gave me a map to follow, and told me a little bit about the local wildlife and fauna, and mentioned that the ancient reptiles would be out sunbathing that day, and then they sent me on my way into the bush.
After I’d trudged along for some time, and listened to strange birds calling and been viciously attacked by an insect which decided to settle down in my hair, and fed some of the curious wee birds (shh! don’t tell anyone) I came to a crossroads, where the tuataras could be found. Here I sat for some time and studied texts which I’d brought with me from my own universe, and listened to the strange yet attractive sounds of the forest around me. I then arose and started searching for the reptiles which had been spotted several times while I was nearby. At first I was unsuccessful. But on a second walk around the perimeter, I discovered first one. Then a second. Then a third. Deciding that my goals for the day had been met, I set out on the easier walk back to the entrance to this magical world, where I exited, and then found my way back to my flat without encountering any obstacles.
Since then, I’ve been forced to remain in the universe where something called ‘university’ plays a major role, and I’ve dedicated my life to the fulfilment of the tasks that the university so generously hands out. Indeed, I am even doing that today, but I had to take a short break and travel back in time to my own, private ‘Pandora’.
If you enjoyed it less than half of what I did, that’s good enough.
Only one more day to go until the weekend. I’m so excited.
Oh, and wish me luck for the test I’ve got tomorrow! It’s about Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night and either a sonnet or a ballad. Fingers crossed, everyone.
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