I have discovered that many people use blogs to express their anger/disappointment/sadness or other emotion towards something or someone. Emotionally upset people tend to update their blogs very often, presumably using it as a public diary to gain affection and pity from the readers. Or maybe they see the blog as some kind of Internet shrink.
Personally, I try to avoid writing a blog entry when I am angry or sad, and usually only update my blog when I have good news or a happy story to share with the (however few) readers of my blog.
I’ve heard many people complain about the use of Facebook as a place to complain and moan about one’s misery. I fully support the people who are against this. I don’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings, but I’m really not interested in hearing all about your family problems or boy trouble or whatever it is that bothers you. I must admit that I do post status updates that are not always rosy and happy (because believe it or not, bad things do happen to me!), but whenever I post a status containing something bad, I always make a joke out of it or under/over-exaggerate to take away the seriousness; I’ve found that this also helps me to deal with the problem, whatever it may be.
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve struggled with a rental company, trying to get out of a contract which I signed based on a misunderstanding. They are refusing to let me out of it and are threatening to take it to the Disputes Tribunal, and I may end up being liable for all the money I already owe them according to the contract, which is going to make me completely broke for the next decade or so.
This problem is the reason why I haven’t updated my blog for a while. I was sure that if I tried to write something when I was in the midst of discussions with lawyers, the company etc, the entire entry would express murderous rage and depression and hopelessness, and that is not something I want people to read on my blog. There have been happy moments in my life lately as well, but these would have been overshadowed by a looming mountain of desperation, so I decided to avoid my blog altogether.
You are more than welcome to say that I shouldn’t have written this blog entry, because it does, after all, focus on my legal trouble. But you should have seen me a week ago – trust me, I’ve come a long way since then. The old cynic in me even made a guest appearance for some time, and I felt that the entire world was against me and that people were out to get me for goodness knows what reason. You can relax, though, I got over it. Whatever happens next, happens, and I can’t stop it. What’s done is done, and there’s no way I can change the past, so I’ll keep looking forward. Even if the worst were to happen; that I have to pay the rental company (which would probably add up to be about $5500), the consequence would probably be that I had to leave the country due to lack of funds – but I would just go back home, save up more money, and try again in a year or two. Yes, I would be devastated – obviously - but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
This whole ordeal has really put me to the test, though. It has shown me that I can manage on my own (with support from friends) through hard times. I’ve grown so much as a person during these last two weeks. At first I was ready to buckle under the heavy pressure that the rental company put on me to pay, but I knew that something wasn’t right about the way the signing of the contract had been done, so I sought legal aid. They agreed with me and also told me that the rental company is a real bitch to deal with, as they’d had dealings with them in the past, but I assured them that I’m not going to give in – that I’m going to stand my ground.
So this shows how I think a blog should be used. Not as a space for crying over spilt milk or the hardships of life, but as a place where people can find motivation and learn to appreciate the simple things in life, even if it is through reading about the trouble-filled lives of others.
Even if I spend the rest of my life turning over grey stones looking for gold – without ever finding any – I’m not going to let it shine through here.