My least favourite way to spend a Sunday: Hungover and trying to write 1,000 words and thus finish my very important film essay. Yet that is what I have subjected myself to today. The half-finished essay can only be blamed on considerable amounts of time spent procrastinating, and the hangover can be blamed on a very foolish decision made last night, concerning a bottle of wine and some gin & tonic.
Waking up this morning was not in any way pleasant; although now, several hours later, when the hangover has subsided a little bit, I can see the humour in it. My flatmates woke me up with their usual noise, and trying not to think about how late it was bound to be, I checked the time, only to discover that it was 8:30am. Great. I’d had about 5 hours of sleep. So I got out of bed, dressed myself and stumbled out to the kitchen. There, I proceeded to make an epic breakfast, which consisted of a huge omelette, lots of toast and numerous glasses of juice. I brought the omelette back to bed with me, checked facebook, ate about 3/4 of the omelette, and went back to sleep. The next time I woke up it was 11:45am. Much better.
Since then, I’ve been drinking everything I could think of that could make me feel better; suffered a severe attack of chocolate craving; peeled an orange for the first time in years and remembered why I stopped doing that (about half the orange is now strewn all over my room); sat on my bed, back against the wall, staring at the opposite wall trying to make it stop spinning; taken deep, meditative breaths to try to control my body’s desire to vomit; and repeatedly told myself how stupid I was for drinking at all last night, when I knew that I had to finish my essay today.
I think about 95% of my brain is temporarily out of service, and I’m finding it extremely hard to write even a simple sentence. Certain words, images, even sounds, make me feel all queasy, so I’ve had a real struggle all day trying to find music that I can listen to without getting that gagging feeling. I had to unfollow someone on Twitter because he used the word ‘lol’ (blah, there it happened again) in all his tweets, which are numerous – and I can’t handle that word today.
About an hour ago I was finally beginning to feel better (at least the world wasn’t spinning as badly anymore), and then I went to the fridge and ate three crumpets. Now I feel sick again. What to do? I’ve tried like everything that has ever worked for me in the past against hangovers, but it’s just not working today. And I still have to write 1,000 words on my essay before I can go to bed tonight. Jolly good.
I swear I’m never drinking again (at least not when I know I have a really important essay due on the Monday after).
Silly, silly bugger.
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