Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sunday silence


Sundays are great. Especially when you haven’t been out drinking the night before and can appreciate every second of the last day of the weekend. And when Wellington surprises everyone by providing nice weather instead of the heavy rain that was predicted, it gets even better.


I stayed up way too late last night, though. I meant to be in bed before midnight, but that didn’t happen. As you know, I went to see Inception, and that finished at 11:15 pm, and I thought I’d missed the last bus home, which I was very unhappy about when I left the cinema and discovered that it was absolutely pissing down and windy and cold (at least it was a good night for a movie). However, as I started walking along Courtenay Place, I saw a bus drive past me, and it happened to be my bus, and I thought ‘Bugger!’ because there was no bus stop right there. But then I looked ahead, and there was one almost right in front of me, so I ran over to it, got on the bus and escaped the long, cold and wet walk home, which was such a relief. I can’t tell you how good it was to get home and take off my wet socks, wrap myself up in a blanket and just chill out. This was just before midnight, and of course I had to go on Facebook, and there one of my friends started chatting to me, so that kept me up even longer. Eventually it was almost 3 am before I went to sleep, so I didn’t exactly have an early start this morning, but that’s alright.


I went to the supermarket this afternoon. I wasn’t sure whether I should go or not, but when I had the last of my bread for breakfast this morning I decided I’d better do it. I’ve got three days to go until my budget for next month kicks in, and I think I’ve got just enough money left to make it. That’s quite surprising, and I’m really impressed with the effort I’ve put into staying within budget (and that’s the purchase of the espresso machine included!).


Now I’ve just had a late lunch, which consisted of ice cream and coffee. Yum. Going to try and do some more reading now, and just chill out with my music playing in the background. Totally relaxed.


I heart Sundays.

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